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APMOTOSTORE.COM  property of Motauto S.a.S. with headquarters: Via Lombardia 3 , Bologna. Italy
VAT Number: 02216860375


Product Availability

The customer can purchase only the products that are currently in the electronic catalog of APMOTOSTORE.COM, visible online at URL: www.apmotostore.com.
If the request through an online order exceeds the amount available for a given item, www.apmotostore.com accept the purchase limit of what is actually available to your virtual warehouse.
It is the responsibility of the Customer Service Apmotostore.com disclose to the customer ( by phone or e-mail) if the products ordered will be available in the future or not.

The items selected from those in the virtual catalog of the site APMOTOSTORE.COM can be purchased under the following conditions.
Unless otherwise stated, the prices of the products are inclusive of VAT at 22% only for EUROPE.
For foreign countries exempt from paying the VAT tax can choose when buying not pay the tax by the appropriate option at the time the order is completed .
The product images on this site are indicative and not binding.


Order Acceptance / Conclusion of Contract
The purchase of the request is processed through the following stages :
• By placing an order , the customer sends to Apriliamotostore.com a proposal to purchase the product or products selected.

The sending of the purchase consent ( pursuant to art. 10 Legislative Decree 185/ 1999) to receive further communications from APMOTOSTORE.COM aimed exclusively at the conclusion and execution of the contract of sale. APMOTOSTORE.COM reserves the right not to accept orders that are incomplete or not properly completed .
• APMOTOSTORE.COMwith a confirmation e-mail receipt of the order placed by the customer, with the assignment of a ' Customer Order Number ' to be used in any further communication with APMOTOSTORE.COM .
• The customer has 24 hours from the time of execution of the order online to communicate APMOTOSTORE.COM its possible cancellation , telephone numbers

 +39 (direct online purchases ) or by sending an e-mail message to the address info@apmotostore.com.

In any case, APMOTOSTORE.COM check the actual stock availability of the required goods and will notify by phone or email , number or e-mail address specified by the customer, the possible lack of acceptance of the order.

The order amounts to confirmation and acceptance of the same.
• APMOTOSTORE.COM will start the process of shipment to the operator and the courier charge for the purpose of carrying out the delivery address indicated. If the shipping charges are different from those indicated, before processing the order, APMOTOSTORE.COM ask the consent of the customer.
• Payment by the client will be using the methods described below and choices on- line at the time of purchase.
• The goods can be sent to a different address than the billing if the order form (shown in section) and specified a different place of destination of the goods.
• The supply of goods means only completed the dispatch of the same.

Until then, the advance payment, or any payment, deposit will be considered, and only at the time of shipment fee will become liable to VAT.


In the pages of the electronic cart, you must specify the exact name or the person to whom it is addressed uniquely purchase invoice. Fiscal documents relating to the Products ordered will be issued at the time of shipment of the Products to the customer and attached to the shipment.

Sales abroad
WWW.APMOTOSTORE.COM  making sales abroad.

Shipments abroad made through the designated courier for shipments to Italy at the rates laid down by it.

For sales abroad www.apmotostore.com accept in this case only the payment mode " full and final payment order" means any type of credit card ( gaming receiving payments: PAYPAL ) or by bank transfer in advance.


Methods of payment
Payment for orders can be made in two ways with the full payment in advance of the order, as well as cash on delivery or payment by direct withdrawal from our store.
The sale of the asset is considered complete only the dispatch of the same.
1 . Bank Transfer of the "Banca Popolare dell Emilia Romagna" IBAN: IT06I0538702401000000029801 payable to Motauto Ricambi Bologna S.A.S. Via Lombardia  3A Bologna 40139.

The transfer can be accompanied an attachment to the e -mail : info@apmotostore.com
2 . Credit card using PAYPAL.

Payment by credit card is handled by PAYPAL, who will check the validity of credit cards and to ensure maximum security for each transaction.
4 . Withdrawal Direct at our office with payment at the same (no shipping costs) .


Credit card safety

The system of online transactions of APMOTOSTORE.COM is safe ... like a bank!

In fact, the data of your credit card will not be disclosed to Apmotostore.com but only to the secure server of Interbank Services and SSB, the largest organizations in the Italian banking sector.
The secure payment system is built using SSL ( Secure Sockets Layer) designed specifically to create a secure transaction environment for commerce online.
The secure mode is activated automatically during the ordering process.

In case of purchase of goods with credit card payment, the bank will be able to receive payment without revealing any information of the credit card of the customer.

This not only eliminates the possibility of fraud, but also those due to simple distraction: not having the data of your credit card , we can not lose them!
In the event of cancellation, either by the customer that by guzzistore.com, you will be prompted immediately cancel the transaction and release the amount involved . These release times depend on the banking system and can be up to their natural expiry date ( 24 days from the date of authorization).


Delivery options and charges
Shipping charges are calculated automatically by the program by entering the product / s in your cart .
There are 3 groups of shipping costs depending on the weight and volume of items ordered.

 All costs of delivery of the products are charged to the customer at the cost indicated at the time of order completion.

Deliveries are normally made via courier SDA, GLS, or TNT

APMOTOSTORE.COM reserves the right to deliver the goods ordered by a carrier other than those mentioned.

The delivery dates indicated in the schedule each product are not binding for APMOTOSTORE.COM , which can then confirm or change depending on your actual needs .
Any delay in delivery shall not entitle the customer to refuse delivery of the Products, or to claim damages for compensation. APMOTOSTORE.COM undertakes to send in any case within twenty days from order, after this period APMOTOSTORE.COM inform the consumer , according to Article 4, paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree 22-05-1999 No. 185, and shall refund any amounts already received , unless otherwise expressly agreed .
At the time of delivery, or stationary store, and the customer 's responsibility to check:
• the number of packages delivered corresponds to that given in the accompanying document
• correspondence between the identity and quality of the products, if indicated on the packaging, with what is indicated in the invoice
• the packaging is not damaged or wet or otherwise altered
The receipt, which is contained in the envelope attached to the outside of one of the hills , it should be detached and retained. The mismatch in the number of packages or particulars, such as the loss or damage must be immediately reported to the carrier , the goods must be withdrawn withdrawn if "conditional".

Right of withdrawal
Pursuant to art. 5 DL 185/1999, if the customer is a consumer (ie a person who buys goods for purposes not related to his professional activity, or does not indicate the purchase order form to Apmotostore.com a reference of the Match VAT ) , is entitled to withdraw from the purchase contract for any reason, without explanation and without penalty.
To exercise this right, the customer must send Apriliamotostore.com a notice to that effect within 10 working days from the date of receipt of goods.
Upon receipt of such notice of termination, the Customer Service Apmotostore.com will notify the customer instructions on how to return the goods.


Conditions for the exercise of the right of withdrawal
The law applies to product purchased in its entirety, it can be exercised only on the withdrawal of the product purchased , the law does not apply to products sealed once opened, the products must be returned intact and in their original packaging, complete in all its parts (including any documentation and accessories ), according to the law, the shipping charges are paid by the customer, the shipment until the certificate of receipt in our warehouse is under the responsibility of the customer;

if the goods are damaged during shipping, Apmotostore.com will notify the customer (within the next business day upon receipt of the goods in their stores ), to enable him to file a timely complaint against the carrier of his choice and to obtain reimbursement of the value of the property (if insured), in this case, the product will be returned, postage paid by the customer, while canceling the request for withdrawal .
Apmotostore.com not responsible in any way for damage or theft / loss of goods returned by uninsured shipments upon arrival at the warehouse, the product will be inspected for any damages not caused by transport .
If the original packaging inside / outside is ruined, Apmotostore.com will deduct from the refund due to a percentage equal to 10 % of it, towards the cost of recovery of the goods.
Without prejudice to any repair costs for damage to the original, Apriliamotostore.com will refund the customer the full amount paid within the end of the month.
The Buyer shall promptly provide to the bank on which to obtain the transfer (ABI - CAB - IBAN - CIN - Account of the invoice).
The right of withdrawal is lost for lack of the essential integrity of the property (packing and / or its contents), where Apmotostore.com finds:
• the lack of the external / internal packaging;
• the absence of elements of the product;
• damage to the product for reasons other than transportation
In case of forfeiture of the right of withdrawal, Apmotostore.com will return to sender the property purchased by charging the same shipping.

Where indicated, products sold by Apmotostore.com are backed by the manufacturer's warranty.

To benefit from it, the customer must keep the invoice or delivery note which will receive along with the products purchased.

Apmotostore.com ensures only the physical integrity of the Products at the time of delivery. Any faults must be reported by the customer, subject to forfeiture, no later than ten (10 ) days from the date of delivery.

In this case the customer will be entitled to the replacement of products damaged upon upon return of the same, having no right to compensation for any client further damage. Shipping costs necessary to replace the Products shall be borne by Apmotostore.com.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, Apmotostore.com does not provide any guarantee on the products additional to that already provided by individual producers.


The products for which it is specified the words " homologated" possess an approval for use on public roads.

The approval is the one stated by the manufacturer on the product itself using the appropriate symbol (E ) or by the accompanying document. This approval is valid only for countries outside the European Union.

In some cases you may need an additional administrative procedure validation approval ( for more details ask at the office motorization of their country) .
The products for which there is specified the words " approved " means intended for use in closed circuits, the track sports events, exhibitions and other exhibitions. So they are not approved for use on public roads.

Limitation of Liability product
Apmotostore.com not be liable to any person for direct or indirect damage, accident, injury, or anything else that occurred using the products sold on this site Apmotostore.com.
The compatibility, application and maintenance of quality standards are guaranteed by the individual producers of components.

Disclaimer of product descriptions
Apmotostore.com has among its objectives the faithful correspondence of the descriptions and photos related to marketed products.

However, it may happen that the manufacturers make changes to the products marketed in order to improve some features. It should be noted , therefore, that in spite of the information contained on Apmotostore.com is correct at the time of insertion.

This information can be updated at any time by Apmotostore.com


Applicable Law
The sales contract between the customer and Apmotostore.com is concluded in Italy and governed by Italian law.